Monday, April 09, 2007


I finally realized what is the definition of forgiveness. It is to not feel anything about the person that cross your path and not wanting to get back to the person. Many times I keep telling myself, I need to forgive and I have forgiven the person. But the grudge just keep coming back to me. This is not exactly forgiveness.

Forgetting however, is another thing altogether. You can never forget unless you lost your mind. Seriously, people often say forgive and forget, i seriously thing forgiving is one thing but forgetting is almost impossible. Think about it, forgiving is simply just not taking into account what the person has did to you, and forgetting is failing to remember what other has did to you. No matter what you will still know what the person did to you and hurt you, but not holding a grudge against the person is forgiving. Forgetting is the ultimate level, where you can force out whatever is unpleasant to you.

My friends, forgive one another. Best of all forget.


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