Monday, February 18, 2008

Grid-lock in Sg car ownership.

It seem like that is no direct solution to traffic jams in Singapore. In my personal opinion, making cars more expensive makes it more attractive to own one. It doesn't really deter people from owning one. It just simply defer people from buying, as this is just a temporary solution. People will always try to own one car no matter what. Maybe with special package loan, or share the cost with someone else, everyone wants a car, as it is seem as a luxury even so with the soaring car prices I foresee in the coming months. Expensive = Luxury. As you can see in other countries, owning a car is a necessity to travel from point A to point B. Cars is seen as a means of transport rather than a luxury in other countries.

Other measures of easing the traffic is as what the government is doing, increasing the standards of the public transport sector. This will go hand in hand with the other measures that is in place, and in fact i feel that this will work better than constantly increasing the cost of owning a car as it increasing the number of complaints and unhappiness of the general public. Why increase the unhappiness and sweetened it with rebates, when you can increase the general public happiness and trusts drastically by using other means?

Denial doesn't help.

Many of the time people tend to hear only the good stuffs and dispose of all the thing that is bad and of facts. In reality, it is good to listen to both the pros and the cons before jumping into conclusion. In any ways, use the law of attraction in moderation. It doesn't means that just thinking only about the good stuffs and ignoring the bad stuffs will give you good results. But thinking positively as well as realistically will help in many ways.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Don't wait.

Don't wait for opportunity to appear. Go find one if one didn't exist. Even God cannot help anyone that doesn't help themselves.

Be the Light!!!

It only take one small candlelight to light up a room.

Rat Year, Rat Race?

Beware that you fall into the trap of a rat race. Spend within your means. Do not overspend. Or you will be trap running after your debt. Do not over commit. Understand yourself.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Happy 2008 and CNY.

New Year, New Look, New Attitude. May YHWH bless this year, and may His will be done on earth and in heaven. May YHWH Bless all of you. Amen.