Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Love? again

I always thought love is to provide. To give whatever the person needs. I was brought up this way. I didn't know there is something else more than love and there are other factors to love. Now I know.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Brute Force

Forcing will not create peace - A Chinese Saying-

Indeed. Sometime it is better to take a step back and relax, then you can see the bigger picture clearly.

In a relationship, forcing your point of view through is not wise at all. The best way is to make both party happy first, let the party understand and feel for your point first and seek permission, before proceeding with your point. It is much calmer this way, rather then keep forcing your way through till the other person becomes "numb" to your behaviour.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Play Doctor or Play God.

When I was watching the drama series "House", it showed me something. The scenario was the doctor trying to treat the patient with weird symtoms. And couldn't figure out why, because, sometime the patient body reacts to the medicine well, sometime it doesn't. It puzzled the doctors. Finally, they found out the cause. It is cause my self medication given by the family members that is fake. It almost causes the patient's life.

I realise something very interesting in this episode. Many times, we try to play doctor or god, thinks that we know what is best for us or others, try to fix things ourselves, but the doctors/ God knows what is best for you. Stop Self Medication. Let the Almighty do His thing according to His will.

Remember the Lord's prayer:
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Matt 6:10


Love is giving someone the power to hurt you, but trusting that he will not.
-John Albert Halu-